EXCITING NEWS! Our NEW website and app are ready! Visit warwickschools.org and check it out! Watch this brief video for more info on the app https://youtu.be/8NIY6oIPIfY We are so pleased to bring WPS into the 21st century and make staying connected as easy as one click!
almost 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
it's here! the new website & app for WPS simply search Warwick Public Schools in your app store
Laying low indoors during this heatwave? Take a few minutes to log into/create your TITAN Family Portal > family.titank12.com Please fill out the meal application, even if you plan to send meals from home, by doing so we receive increased funding for our schools and community!
almost 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
easy as 1,2,3 titan family portal login information visit family.titank12.com
All Course Network (ACN) Summer 2022 Open Enrollment Pre-Registration is now available! Summer 2022 open enrollment pre-registration is now available for students and families through EnrollRI! This is another opportunity for anyone who missed the initial course lottery window for summer only. Any courses not filled through the lottery have been re-opened for open enrollment through the first week of courses and will fill through a waitlist process. Fall, Spring, and Yearlong courses will be available for pre-registration beginning July 18th. Please email acn@ride.ri.gov with questions.
almost 2 years ago, Fred Schweizer
almost 2 years ago, Fred Schweizer