

  • Students are only allowed to ride the bus assigned to them (unless there is written permission from the parent, approval from the principal, and room as determined by the bus driver).

  • If you have any questions regarding the bus schedules, please call the Warwick Public Schools Department of Transportation at 734-3112.

  • Please be advised that as the students get older their eligibility to ride the bus may change. That is the policy of the Transportation Department. The riding limit information is available in the school office.

Cedar Hill Elementary School Bus Schedule


Students in grades 4-5 may have the privilege of riding bicycles to school.

  • Permission forms are available in the office and must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the Principal.

  • Students who ride bicycles to school are required to wear helmets. (Rhode Island General Law Title 31-19-2.1)

  • For the safety of all students, bikers must walk the bicycles while on school property and on Glenwood Drive.

  • Bikes are to be stored in the bicycle rack; however the school does not assume liability or responsibility for stole or damaged bicycles that may occur.

Transportation Photo